Thursday, September 04, 2008

Regaining some of the faith

The other day, well umm, yesterday, I bought the book 'Code' by Charles Petzold. In glancing through most of it, I realised that I knew off by heart most of the content. That is not to say that I am disappointed that I bought it, but rather to admire such a formation of knowledge put in such a way. I am sure that I will learn some things that I did not already know in the process of digesting its content.

Teaching can be so depressing as it is hampered by constant failure from below as well as above. And sometimes (well quite a bit at the moment) I feel as if the purity of the dream that is to love ICT is beaten down by those who have to learn it as well as those who orchestrate its very position within the system.

Computing like most complex things can be both beautiful and frustrating at the same time. Beautiful because of what you see and what it has the power to do. Frustrating because you may not understand its construction or have the perseverance to pursue the disciplines required to comprehend such entities as Software creation. And yet, if you do not persevere with the frustration, how will you ever understand how beautiful something can actually be?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dreaming of what must come.

I know that going to work is comming back soon (despite planning for the last two weeks) because I was 'planning' in my sleep and realised by simulating the lesson in the room it will happen in that I had missed something, so today I need to make a correction to my plan so that I do not. That 'thing' was the need to create a 'cover sheet' by the students for their work wallets. Ouch - scary - but that is the way the mind works.

Did not manage to get Windows SP3 installed. I have given up, will probably rebuild the laptop from scratch at some point.