Been back at work (school) a week and I do not know what has hit me, feels like the summer was only a rumour. Pupils did ok'ish in exams, but not as good as I would have hoped :-(
Found a funny website through ClickOnline on BBC News 24 -
Off to an Archery Competition tommorrow, have not done enough planning for the week yet, but should be ok for Monday. Especially now that PPA (Preparation Planning Assessment) time has kicked in, so I cannot be taken for cover and thus can work on the important things like lesson planning and marking.
I hope that '9/11' tomorrow is peaceful and uneventful.
your correct...summer was a rumour! it has been very hot and dry here. burn bans are in effect. i am so ready for the fall and wetter weather although no having to mow the grass has been wonderful. good luck in the archery tourny and if ever in this area maybe you can give me some pointers.
Thank you eyerocker, tournament was ok, not the best I can do but close.
If I am in the area I will give you some pointers :-)
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