Sunday, September 19, 2004

Last Sunny Sunday

Archery today, did so so, 347 on a Long Metric (3 doz at 90m and 3 doz at 70m), only a second class and 21 points of a first class. The trouble is my mind is more on my teaching and everything else has to take a back seat.

But at least today was a lovely sunny day, I hope we have a few more before winter sets in.


Good Wife said...

I'm curious Mr B, what are winters like in the UK?


Mr B said...

Good Wife,

They tend to be mild, at the very worst, 5-8 degrees centigrade (will need to look up Fahrenheit) below freezing in the south, it gets a bit colder in the north but not too extreme. Snow tends to last a few weeks in the north and a week or so at most in the south. I can remember the longest period in the south being two weeks of snow. The winters tend to be more damp and grey than cold, which is why everything is so green. The damp and grey bit can last between October and April, with December through to February being the coldest and yet it does brighten up a bit. Most snow falls around the end of January - start of February.

Please see

Mr B.